There is one problem that every resident of Blacksburg has experienced - incessant ticketing and towing. Getting a ticket from Parking Services is so common that is is number forty eight on The Hokie Bucket List, and most Virginia Tech students have horror stories of their own parking troubles. The Marching Virginians Color Guard is not exempt from this problem! Recently, one of our members, Maya Williams, was unfairly towed from her own apartment complex. After spending her entire morning attempting to have the $160 fee waived and finding out that the apartment management would not correct their mistake, Maya was unsure of what to do.
Maya Williams (left) receiving the check from Katie Rizzolo (right); Source: Ashley Deans
Luckily, Maya is part of a team that supports each other in everything they do both on and off of the field. Another member of the MV Color Guard, Katie Rizzolo, saw an opportunity to help her teammate. Without Maya’s knowledge, she reached out to the guard explaining her plan: if everyone on guard pooled their money, Maya wouldn’t be in such a desperate situation. The team loved the idea, and happily contributed money to cover the cost. In one day, Katie collected and organized all of the money necessary to pay Maya’s entire towing fee!
“I was so amazed at how responsive everyone was to helping, and it really warms my heart to know that every single person on our team is willing to go above and beyond to support each other.” -Katie Rizzolo
At practice that afternoon, the guard presented Maya with the check. It was incredibly moving to witness a team coming together to help a friend.
“As soon as the check was placed into my hands, I couldn’t help but cry. I really feel like they are my family, not just my friends.” -Maya Williams
Even outside of band practice, this team would do anything to support each other. The MV Color Guard proves that a team that spins together, stays together.
The 2018-2019 Marching Virginians Color Guard; Source: Marching Virginians manager, anonymous