In this post, Ashley White, color guard alumna, remembers and honors where her passion for showcasing her creativity came from, Marching with the Virginians!
Did you know that over half of college graduates have a job that is NOT directly related to their field of undergraduate study? I haven’t been able to find any peer-reviewed research on what percentage of those graduates discovered their eventual career path because of marching band, but I can confidently tell you that it’s greater than zero! As an incoming freshman at Virginia Tech back in 2016, I was convinced that my chosen major, Marketing Management, would follow me through my entire life; I loved my marketing classes! In other words, when I created the Marching with the Virginians blog in the fall of 2018, I wasn’t expecting it to change my life.
Ashley capturing photos for the band during the March to Victory, 2019. Photo credit: Ashley White
In many ways, I was putting my marketing brain to work when I came up with the idea for a Marching Virginians blog: I saw it as an opportunity to attract prospective students! While the band does have a loud and impressive presence in the Hokie community as The Spirit of Tech, there is so much that happens behind the scenes to make that spirit come to life - and to me, that is what makes the band so special. I saw a need for a channel to broadcast the moving stories of teamwork and friendship that I was seeing on a weekly basis, especially for high schoolers that were considering Virginia Tech or accepted freshmen that were considering auditioning for the MVs. The more I thought about it, I realized that these stories would likely also appeal to alumni, parents, Hokie sports fans, and more. I reached out to Dr. Polly Middleton, Director of Athletic Bands, and presented her with my idea: a blog written by Marching Virginains to showcase the MV Experience. To my great delight, Polly was completely supportive of the idea, and empowered me to design and manage the blog.
Ashley posing with Jim Sochinski, former Director of the Marching Virginians, after interviewing him for a project. Photo credit: Ashley White
Once I had the green light, things moved quickly. I worked with Linda Corell, who was the MVAA Online Content Officer at the time (and is now the President!), to create the Marching with the Virginians and Meet the Bloggers webpages. Meanwhile, I shared a blogger application with my fellow MVs. I reviewed the writing samples and selected an initial team of excellent writers who represented a variety of different sections, academic years, and majors. I also created a schedule and process for the writing team: writers would submit their topics to me for approval, draft the piece by a given deadline, and then send it to me for editing. After editing, I would design and publish the blogs on our new site keeping up a weekly cadence. As a nineteen-year-old, I was truly honored and humbled by the entire experience. It was so encouraging to have been given the trust and support that I needed to turn my idea into reality. All that was left was to announce the blog to the public and begin publishing stories!
In October of 2018, I invited the MV community to “March Along With Us!” as we debuted Marching with the Virginians, and I had the honor of publishing the blog’s first post, A Team That Spins Together…, later that week (my name was Ashley Deans at the time!). I continued writing for, editing, and managing the blog until I graduated in the spring of 2020. Unsurprisingly, the blog meant a lot to me! What was surprising was how much I enjoyed writing and editing. I found myself genuinely looking forward to editing the latest blog post each week, and I was turning in my own pieces ridiculously early. I followed that gut feeling, and I began pursuing any communications-related opportunities I could find at Tech and through internships. My senior year, I became the Marching Virginians’ student Public Relations Officer, which gave me even more opportunities to explore this newfound passion for communications. The MVs are a huge organization with far-reaching influence, so the experience was truly invaluable. Some of my most treasured experiences were doing PR for projects like Hokies for the Hungry and Giving Week, that created measurable impact for the band and community. Even though I was learning so many new things and taking risks, it always felt comforting to know that the members of this organization had my back.
Katie Greh (left) and Ashley (right) collecting cans in the rain for Hokies for the Hungry. Photo credit: Ashley White
As I approached graduation, I knew I had a choice to make. Did I stick to applying for jobs that exclusively used my marketing degree, or did I take a chance and apply for jobs in communications? I’m sure you can guess that I took that chance… and it paid off! I got a job after graduation at a Duke University research lab as a Communications Specialist. Now, I am working in customer communications for Bandwidth, Inc., a global telecommunications company. I am lucky enough to say that I truly love my job, and it’s surreal to know that if it weren’t for Marching with the Virginians, I probably wouldn’t be here. Even several years and a graduate degree later, I’m using skills that I learned during my time as a Marching Virginian.
Alison Ritz (left) and Ashley (right) captured by Hokie Vision during their final halftime performance in Lane Stadium. Photo credit: Ashley White
Ashley White - Alumni Blogger and Online Content Officer of the MVAA Board of Directors