For those unaware of The Big Event’s calling, it brings together thousands of Virginia Tech students to complete 1,200 service projects around the Blacksburg community and New River Valley. This year, The Big Event will be held on April 6th. More information can be found here.
A friendly dog howling with excitement at meeting the Marching Virginians during The Big Event; Source: Mackenzie Knox
The Marching Virginians never miss an opportunity to get together and take on projects in teams, and for many this happens according to section. For example, the clarinet section signed up as a group last year and tackled several jobs as a section of 33, with some nets separating to pick up sticks and pet dogs along the way!
The Big Event often places larger groups into subgroups so that the team can complete multiple jobs during the day. For example, one subgroup of eight clarinets was sent to the countryside last year to help an older gentleman mulch his yard for about six hours. The work is never tedious especially with members of the community who want to learn about our experiences as much as they want to share theirs! Some community members are also generous enough to provide food for the volunteers, which was the case for the nets last year.
Rain or snow, The Big Event never cancels! In past years, the weather hasn’t been too friendly, but thanks to our lovely communities, project requesters sometime provide blankets and warm places to take breaks from all of the hard outdoor work.
“...Even though the weather wasn’t great, it was still overall an enjoyable experience!”
-Lena Campbell
Alex Springer raking leaves; Source: Syd Hartwig
Tau Beta Sigma, National Honorary Band Sorority, also includes The Big Event as part of their many service projects for the spring semester. The sorority also creates their own group, but some sisters still choose to join their band section.
Last year, TBS had two sister subgroups separated among two locations in the community. One group of sisters was assigned to a young couple and aided in manicuring their lawn by cutting ivy down from the trees, moving sticks, and shuffling rocks around and out of the way.
No matter the time of year, weather, or circumstance, the Marching Virginians always find a way to join together, especially to live out our school motto “Ut Prosim” (That I May Serve) in support of our blacksburg and New River Valley communities!
Syd Hartwig with a pile of volunteer rakes; Source: Cassie Letta