Marching Virginian Brass, Woodwinds, and Flag Corps. Source: Facebook
On Game Days, bright Lane Stadium lights shine a spotlight on the Marching Virginians –The Spirit of Tech. We are 330 strong: 330 unique individuals from different walks of life, 330 students actively pursuing careers in majors from Virginia Tech’s 7 undergraduate colleges, 330 passionate performers from all across the United States. And despite our different backgrounds, we proudly march together at every game, parade, and show.
Preparing for VT vs. Georgia Tech; Source: Sean Peters
The Marching Virginians is an incredibly diverse organization. New and returning members quickly embrace the unique performance group at the onset of each season. Although categorized by instrumentation, you will always see sections hanging out, laughing, and helping each other in and outside of marching band.
“Right off the bat, I fell in love with the welcoming environment and personality of the band. “It was the best way to make friends as I was entering college” – Diana Hall. Horn in Smart and Sustainable Cities. Class of ’22.
Marching Virginians in Lane Stadium bleachers; Source: Spirit of Tech Facebook
We are 330 students who find time to balance academia and performing. Practicing over 7 hours each week and dedicating our entire Saturdays to Game Days all on top of studying for tests and completing homework is simply what we do.
The Marching Virginians provides a break from academia and lets students meet others outside of their major who share similar hobbies. Proudly performing alongside one another, The Marching Virginian drum majors, musicians, spinners, and twirlers unite on the field to express our common love for music and share our passion with 66,233+ avid football fans.
“It’s pretty cool to be a part of an organization that allows you to do what you like while coincidentally finding your best friends” – Nabra Asgedom. Tuba in Mechanical Engineering. Class of ’21.
Moreover, there is a valuable sense of mentorship amongst the ensemble. Our strong sense of camaraderie and inclusivity makes it easy to strike up a conversation with the person standing next to you in the form at practice, waiting in line at the water fountain, or on Lane Stadium bleachers.
“Through marching band, I was able to learn so much more about the different majors at Virginia Tech. Plus it’s great to get advice from the upperclassmen.” – Alexandra Bridgeland, Flag in Systems Biology. Class of ’21.
Marching band is more than just a MUS 3314 course, an extracurricular activity, or an ensemble. Every year, we demonstrate immense pride and passion by being one of the multi-talented student performers of the 330 Strong.