The first blog in this series, featuring trumpet rank captain Sarah Murray, showed that it’s possible to fully commit yourself to another organization – like VT Rec Sports – alongside the Marching Virginians. This week, we have an interview from piccolo rank captain Jaden Catalfamo, who shows that your time can be split even further, with just as much success. Let’s see what wisdom she has to share!
Photo courtesy of Jaden Catalfamo
How long have you been in the MVs and what is your role?
This is going into my fourth season but this upcoming year will be my second year being a rank captain for the piccolo section.
What’s your degree program? How far into it are you?
So currently, I am pursuing a bachelor’s of science in neuroscience but my specific major is clinical neuroscience. I’m pretty much almost done. Technically I only have one semester left, it’s mostly prereqs that are left but everything else is just pharmacy school things. Spring semester [is] when I’ll be taking the remainder of my pharmacy school prerequisites, because some of them don’t necessarily line up with my degree program.
Is there a pre-pharmacy track you were able to enter into?
I kind of had to figure it out myself. I went onto multiple colleges’s websites and just looked at each prerequisite that they had. I had to create my own spreadsheet for what courses they required because some colleges are completely different. So that was pretty much all up to me.
Photo courtesy of Jaden Catalfamo
If you do engage in any extracurriculars outside of the MVs, what are they?
I am mostly involved in Hokie Ambassadors – those are the people who give those daily campus tours that you’ll see go around every day. Wthin that I am a mentor, so whenever the new training classes come around I usually mentor 2-3 different new guides. [I] help guide them throught the training process so they can give their own tours. Outside of that, I am also in Alpha Chi Sigma, which is a professional chemistry fraternity. Basically the whole point of this is to help develop my professionalism and to help get me ready for anything I want to do within the sciences, but it’s also a way for me to share my passion with other people who just so happen to like chemistry just as much as I do.
How would you say the MVs has impacted your time at Tech?
The biggest impact they’ve made on me I would say are the friendships, I’ve met all my best friends pretty much in the MVs. It’s created a sense of family… going to college, I was very much in my own little circle, but then I met the pix and whoever else is in band. It’s definitely deepened my sense of security when it comes to going to school. That’s something I’ll always be grateful for with the MVs.
Would you say that being in another organization outside of the MVs has benefited you? If so, how?
Photo courtesy of Jaden Catalfamo
Most definitely Hokie Ambassadors – becoming a mentor, I would say, strengthened the leadership qualities that I [can] work on in the MVs. It really put things into perspective for me, how I could actually apply the things that happened with that organization into the MVs. As for Alpha Chi Sigma, I would say, for me the big part of it was just trying to advocate for my littles. You have to advocate for other people in the MVs too sometimes because we’re one big family, we’re one big support system. Every single organization I’ve been in has contributed in some sort of way with the MVs.
How do you manage your time?
If I can get dates well ahead of time, then it’s easier for me to at least try and schedule whether I have to meet with mentees, whether I just want to spend some time with friends… I would say just – literally my Google Calendar has become my best friend for that. It’s always important to set time aside just for yourself and it took awhile for me to truly grasp that. I figured it, now, but it took some time.
What advice do you have for new students both within and outside the MVs?
Honestly, don’t be afraid to branch out. With the MVs, it may feel very overwhelming, especially with how much time we spend at rehearsal, preparing for games… it can be a little overwhelming at first but if you have other passions that you want to pursue, then I highly suggest doing so, especially if you want to use your time in college wisely and want to enjoy it to the absolute fullest. I would recommend starting early – going to Gobblerfest, find what organizations you might want to join and just go from there, because you never know. There’s always going to be something for you, whether it’s the MVs or not.
Jaden is from Virginia Beach, Virginia.