New Beginnings - Rookie Perspective

Our first week of classes comes to an end, we wanted to take time to reminisce on OUR favorite week of the year - band camp. Seven full days of marching, making music, and seeing our closest friends, as well as making new ones with rookies. We took the time to ask our rookies some questions about their journey of becoming part of the 2022 edition of the Marching Virginians!

We have 105 new marchers in the 2022 edition of the Marching Virginians!

Pictured: Our (bari)tone and (trom)bone sections source: Abbie Robertson

Question 1: How did you hear about the MVs?

Pictured: Our trumpet section and drum major Thomas Chase source: Abbie Robertson

Jeremy Teague (3rd-year rookie, Trumpet)

  • “My brother was one. He graduated last winter, so I went to the games recently. I’ve always loved marching band.”

Alex Shupp (1st-year rookie, Alto sax)

  • “I always knew of college marching band, but I heard about MVs through my brother.”

Lauren Watt (1st-year rookie, Trumpet)

  • “When I started looking at schools I knew I was going to be checking out the marching band programs because it’s something I was passionate about in high school and wanted to continue in college so when I looked into Virginia Tech I got to see how important the MV’s are to the community and just generally how awesome and dedicated the band is!”

Question 2: What was your audition process like?

Pictured: Our goofy sax section source: Andrew Stewart

Jeremy Teague

  • “It wasn’t too difficult, but it was very mental. Try to keep my focus and not get stressed about getting in. They told us to have fun and I made friends early.”

Alex Shupp

  • “I thought it was going to be a lot more stressful, but all the upperclassmen made me feel welcome as soon as I got there.”

Lauren Watt

  • “My audition experience was interesting! Over the summer I got to practice a little bit of music and marching as the first part of the audition and when I started band camp everyone was very nice and encouraging while I tried out in person. Overall it was very fun and I really liked the process!”

Question 3: What are you most excited for as a rookie?

Pictured: Our 37-person net section source: Abbie Robertson

Jeremy Teague

  • “The football games. It’s so fun watching it, but it’ll be even better being a part of it. The environment in the stadium is awesome.”

Alex Shupp

  • “Football games. I’ve watched the marching band from afar, but now that I know the dances, it’ll be so fun.”

Lauren Watt

  • “It’s a little nerve-wracking as well but as a rookie I’m most excited for my first time playing in Lane Stadium as an official MV, getting to experience what it’s like in the stands, hearing enter sandman, and marching the show!”

Question 4: What has been your favorite part of MVs so far?

Pictured: Our lovely piccolo section source: Abbie Robertson

Jeremy Teague

  • “So far, honestly, the breaks we get to play with our sections. The fun we get to have with our sections outside of marching.”

Alex Shupp

  • “All of the saxophone traditions. Especially rank traditions #bank rank is the best rank”

Lauren Watt

  • “My favorite part of being an MV is definitely the connection I feel to my section. Everyone is so kind to each other and upbeat and I really like getting to hang out together in and out of practice! I’m very grateful for the positivity and acceptance that I feel each time I interact with anyone in the band and it makes me so proud to call myself a Marching Virginian.”

We are so excited for what this year has to offer!

Pictured: The horns and their corn source: Abbie Robertson

The Pinstripe Bowl: MVs Take on NYC

The Pinstripe Bowl: MVs Take on NYC

The MVs were given the chance to celebrate the end of the year in New York City at the Pinstripe Bowl in Yankee Stadium. Callie reviews what it was like to travel so far and speaks on memories that will last a lifetime as part of the organization. #MVs4Lyfe

M4P: Marchin for Parkinson's!

M4P: Marchin for Parkinson's!

Every year the Marching Virginians pair up with foundations to donate and contribute our service as 330 strong. This year, we continued our Marchin’ for Parkinson’s initiative to raise more money than years past by teaming up with Tau Beta Sigma’s Homecoming Week fundraiser and the HTs for the event.

We Are Back!

We Are Back!

For the first time in two years, The Marching Virginians are reunited and are gearing up for the season ahead! In this blog post, Breanna reflects on the different activities of the MV Band Camp and how the MVs welcome rookie marchers into their ranks. Be sure to tune in, as this season is looking to be one of the best one yet!

The Adventures of Flat Stack

The Adventures of Flat Stack

During our early years of schooling, many of us participated in a kind of ‘Flat Stanley’ where students took their decorated print-out with them on their adventures around the United States or across the world! This summer, Ashlyn created a fun way to connect the MVs together while also honoring Stack’s memory: Introducing ‘Flat Stack’. Check it out!